Sunday, 2 September 2012

Printable Discs

I've just realised I haven't put any photos of my printable discs up yet, so thought I'd do so now!
Basically, I thought I'd buy some discs to personalise so that when I give clients etc a disc of their photos, I can personalise them to be specific to the client, as well as put Jo Drury Photography on it. I've now also ordered some DVD cases to put the discs in, so I can do personalised covers to put on those too - I have been doing that with the couple of discs I've done so far, but I have no more cases left. I could only order them in a pack of 100 though, so it's going to be reallly bulky to store!

On another note, I've now ordered a couple of studio lights - they're beginner sort of lights, not amazing, but they were only £200 so I'm not complaining! I only ordered them today so they haven't come yet, pretty excited to try them out. They come with an umbrella and softbox (which is apparently really hard to assemble!) and all the cables etc, plus an instructional DVD - which I will DEFINITELY be watching, so terrified of breaking them instantly! I need to get a backdrop & stand as well in order to have a proper home studio, but when I do I'll have more freedom in that I don't have to book out a studio when I need one, and it doesn't involve working with people willing to travel to Southend. I can ask friends and family who are local to just pop over to take some photos that I can use for my portfolio. Which I'm looking forward to!

So, back to the discs. These are the two I've done so far:

They may not be the best, but I'm getting practise before a proper paying client at least!

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